
Tips For Proving You Deserve Workers' Comp For Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Law Articles

Not all of the effects of an on-the-job accident are physical. After broken bones and sore muscles heal, some workers find that they struggle with mental-health issues that were not present prior to the incident. One common condition that occurs after an accident is post-traumatic stress disorder, which is often referred to as PTSD. More than 7.8 million Americans have this condition, and there is no cure - which is why it's vital to build a strong workers' compensation case before you hit the courtroom.

2 June 2015

Leniency From The IRS If You Reside In Canada: The Reach Of The IRS And How Filing For Bankruptcy Can Help

Law Articles

If you are an American that has moved across the border and now reside in Canada or have assets in Canada, the new changes made in the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) may be problematic to your financial situation. As of July 2, 2014, Canadian banks are required to provide your financial information to the America's Internal Revenue Services (IRS). With this new information, the IRS will determine whether you owe additional taxes.

7 May 2015

Can You Be Arrested For Driving While Intoxicated If You Have THC In Your System?

Law Articles

If you live in one of the 23 states that have legalized the medical and/or recreational use of marijuana, you may be wondering what you can do to keep yourself safe from arrest (or even seizure of your vehicle) following a routine traffic stop. Unfortunately, with the conflicts between state laws permitting medical or recreational use of marijuana and federal laws restricting all uses, it can be difficult to determine where you stand -- and when you're legally safe to drive.

10 April 2015

Can A Creditor Really Force The Court To Reopen Your Bankruptcy Case?

Law Articles

When you receive a discharge from the bankruptcy court, your case is generally considered done, and you can move on to the next phase of your financial life. Unfortunately, sometimes a creditor has a problem with the outcome of the case and will file a motion to reopen it. Here's what you can expect should that happen. Reasons Creditors Would File a Motion to Reopen There are a few reasons why a creditor would want to reopen your bankruptcy case, and they all have to do with attempting to get more money from you or your estate.

31 March 2015

A Driver Ran You Off The Road And Left. Will Your Insurance Carrier Believe You?

Law Articles

No doubt you've heard about hit-and-run accidents, but you may never have heard of miss-and-run accidents until one happened to you. This type of incident can be hard to resolve with your insurance company if you can't prove any other vehicle was involved. An insurance company adjuster may suspect you simply lost control of your car and ran off the road. Use effective strategies to bolster your case and make sure your claim gets paid.

12 March 2015

Colonoscopy Injuries: Can You File A Lawsuit If Something Goes Wrong?


Compared to other forms of the disease, colon cancer is relatively common in the United States. According to the National Cancer Institute, 2014 saw around 136,000 new cases of colon and rectum cancer, with an estimate of 50,000 deaths. To help cut deaths, doctors recommend different types of colon cancer screening, but these procedures can sometimes lead to serious injuries. Learn more about the risks of colonoscopy, and find out if you can file a lawsuit for any injuries you receive.

2 March 2015

A Look At Liability In Three Playground-Related Injury Cases

Law Articles

Minor bumps and bruises are just a part of life, but sometimes children become seriously injured when playing on a jungle gym or playground. Falling or getting hit with playground equipment can result in broken bones, concussions, dislocated joints and other serious injuries. Who is at fault when your child suffers an injury on a playground? That depends on the circumstances. To help you gain a better understanding of liability in playground-related injury cases, here's a look at three possible scenarios, and who's likely to be held responsible in each one.

11 February 2015

Parent Of A Truant? Know Your Responsibilities


Are you the parent of a teenager who seems to think that hanging out at friends' houses during the school day is preferable to homeroom and class presentations? Have you received multiple phone calls from the school advising you that your child was absent without excuse yet again? Maybe, even though you watched your son or daughter walk through the school doors at morning drop-off, the police called a few hours later to inform you that your child shoplifted from the local mall.

2 February 2015

5 Ways To Protect Yourself From Injury And Illness While Working At A Daycare


If you love kids, you might consider working at a well-run daycare center your dream career. However, spending your days around 20 or 30 children in a group setting puts you at risk for developing a shocking number of illnesses and workplace injuries. Take care of yourself with these five tips to avoid the hassle of calling in sick or filing for workers compensation. Get Vaccinated To start with, make sure all your basic vaccinations are up to date, including those for:

22 January 2015

Pets And Divorce: Five Important Factors To Keep In Mind

Law Articles

Divorce is an unpleasant event, and battles over property and child custody rights contribute to the emotional upheaval and distress for those involved. In order to bring resolution and clarity to these situations, the legal codes in all fifty states are filled with procedures that address these sensitive issues. However, one area not specifically addressed in family law statutes, but still fully capable of being a catalyst for conflict in divorce cases, is how pets are to be distributed among the participants.

20 January 2015